Foster parents, get your continuing education hours! Registration is now open for our free, full-day workshops. These workshops are sponsored by MCFD’s Specialized Homes & Support Services (SHSS) Transformation Team.



Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel (15269 104 Ave, Surrey) from 8:00AM – 3:00PM

Fostering Inclusion: A Workshop on Providing Support for Children & Youth of the Global Majority in Foster Care (Black, Indigenous and Other Racialized Children/Youth)

The main objective of this workshop is to provide foster parents with the necessary knowledge and tools to support children and youth of the global majority in foster care. The workshop will specifically focus on the difficulties Black, Indigenous, and other racialized children/youth may experience and will also examine other identities – such as gender diversity, children with disabilities, and newcomers to the country – and how these multiple identities intersect and impact experiences in care and the world. The ultimate goal of the workshop is to increase foster parents’ awareness and understanding of intersectionality and to empower them to be allies and advocates for these children and youth.

Speaker: Ruth Unaegbu, MA RCC-ACS

Ruth Unaegbu is a Registered Clinical Counsellor and Approved Clinical Supervisor with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC #12132). As a first-generation Nigerian Canadian, she has been a foster sibling since 1999 and a foster parent since 2019. Her work is centred on anti-oppression principles, social justice, intersectionality, and cultural affirmation. She partners with individuals, groups, and organizations to empower them to address colonial and oppressive systems and promote equity and justice for all.


Inn at Laurel Point (680 Montreal St, Victoria) from 8:00AM-3:00PM
Intersectionality in our Homes and Creating an Inclusive Space for Queer and Neurodivergent Children and Youth
In this full-day workshop, we will explore a bit more about the neurodivergent and queer communities. We will look at current understandings of what it means to be part of these communities, and how folks can better support and include our youth as both allies and foster parents. The day includes group work, first person accounts, and tangible things that we can do as foster parents to create a feeling of safety and community in our homes. We will focus on listening to the teachings of self-advocates, particularly our youth and young adults, and attempt to engage in a world that we might not know a lot about.
Speaker: Sam McCorriston, RCC, MC
Sam McCorriston is a fellow foster parent of queer, neurodivergent youth, and co-owner and counsellor at AsUR Counselling and Consulting specializing in neurodivergent affirming supports. Her counselling practice and her parenting style focuses on a person-led approach that highlights choice and agency as foundational to safety and change. Identifying as neurodivergent and queer herself, Sam brings lived experience examples into her workshops, giving folks the opportunity to ask questions and seek new perspectives. She is excited to collaborate with those looking to include neurodivergence perspectives and inclusion in their own homes!
Coast Prince George Hotel (770 Brunswick St, Prince George) from 8:00AM-3:00PM 

Parenting Neurodiverse Children and Youth: Bridging Understanding with Science-driven Effective Strategies

This is a full-day workshop geared towards building parent and caregiver understanding of the traits of a neurodivergent child and how to support them in ways that show an understanding of who they are. Historically, more traditional parenting strategies are not always as effective when navigating the nuances of a neurodivergent child. Therefore, developing a deeper understanding helps bridge the knowledge of supportive and effective science-driven strategies.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Understanding neurodiversity
  • What is neurodiverse affirming mean in caregiving and avoiding an ableist approach
  • Deeper dive into ADHD and Autism and Opposoitional Defiance Disorder
  • Executive Function
  • Emotions and regulation with a neurodivergent child
  • School and how this impacts home for a neurodivergent child
  • The role of connection
  • Evidence-based strategies to support
  • Building a collaborative toolbox
  • Groups to connect with in the community
  • Resources

Speaker: Michele Shilvock, M.Ed BCBA

Michele has a masters in special education and is a board certified behaviour analyst that has been practicing now for over 24 years and splits her time between her private practice supporting neurodivergent children, their families, and education teams. As an associate in collaborative paediatric practice in South Surrey, her focus is largely to support children with complex behaviours. As a clinician, she works closely with children, their families, and school-based teams, building out neurodiverse-affirming goals and strategies. Today, she splits her time between direct support to children, parent and caregiver coaching, education consultation, and public speaking engagements.

Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre (1250 Rogers Way, Kamloops) from 8:00AM-3:00PM
Intersectionality in our Homes and Creating an Inclusive Space for Queer and Neurodivergent Children and Youth
In this full-day workshop, we will explore a bit more about the neurodivergent and queer communities. We will look at current understandings of what it means to be part of these communities, and how folks can better support and include our youth as both allies and foster parents. The day includes group work, first person accounts, and tangible things that we can do as foster parents to create a feeling of safety and community in our homes. We will focus on listening to the teachings of self-advocates, particularly our youth and young adults, and attempt to engage in a world that we might not know a lot about.
Speaker: Sam McCorriston, RCC, MC
Sam McCorriston is a fellow foster parent of queer, neurodivergent youth, and co-owner and counsellor at AsUR Counselling and Consulting specializing in neurodivergent affirming supports. Her counselling practice and her parenting style focuses on a person-led approach that highlights choice and agency as foundational to safety and change. Identifying as neurodivergent and queer herself, Sam brings lived experience examples into her workshops, giving folks the opportunity to ask questions and seek new perspectives. She is excited to collaborate with those looking to include neurodivergence perspectives and inclusion in their own homes!
Workshops are exclusive to foster parents.
Attendees can only register for the workshop within their region. BCFPA is hoping to continue these workshops and we will rotate topics and have more dates/topics to offer.
First come, first served. Maximum of 40 attendees per workshop.
Breakfast will be served at 8:00AM, and a Territorial Welcome & Opening Prayer by an Elder will begin at 9:00AM. Lunch and coffee break refreshments will be provided.
Reimbursements available for mileage over 40km (round trip).
Childcare is NOT provided at the event but reimbursements are available for childcare up to a maximum of $100 (with receipt).
Reimbursements for parking available (with receipt).
Hotel accommodation may be provided for the Victoria, Kamloops and Prince George workshops. Each request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Booking should be made through BCFPA. Please contact BCFPA at 1-800-663-9999 to inquire. Those who require hotel accommodation will be eligible for meal per diem. Please refer to the reimbursement form for rates.
Reimbursements available through BCFPA. All reimbursement forms (with receipts) must be completed and submitted by March 20, 2023.

2023 Trainings Project Registration Form
Are you a BCFPA member?
Please note any dietary needs or preferences.

Limited seats available on a first come, first served basis. Maximum of 40 attendees per workshop. We will notify you within 48 hours if your seat has been reserved or if you are waitlisted. 

We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. Please note any learning accessibility aids that may help improve your learning experience.

Please read before submitting this form.

  • Workshops are exclusive to foster parents. Attendees can only register for the workshop within their region. BCFPA is hoping to continue these workshops and we will rotate topics and have more dates/topics to offer.
  • The full-day workshop will be from 8:00AM-3:00PM. Breakfast will be served at 8:00AM, and a Territorial Welcome & Opening Prayer  by an Elder will begin at 9:00AM. 
  • Reimbursements available for mileage over 40km (round trip).
  • Child care is NOT provided at the event but reimbursements are available for child care up to a maximum of $100 (with receipt).
  • Reimbursements for parking available (with receipt).
  • Hotel accommodation may be provided for the Victoria, Kamloops and Prince George workshops. Booking should be made through BCFPA. Please contact BCFPA to inquire. Those who require hotel accommodation will be eligible for meal per diem. Please refer to the reimbursement form for rates.
  • If you have registered and are unable to attend, please inform the BCFPA office immediately so that your spot can be allocated to another registrant.
By registering for a workshop, you confirm that you have read the statements above and that you are a foster caregiver with MCFD or an ICFS Agency.